Saturday, February 25, 2012

Hurting Heart

I'm not usually one to get into religion or political discussions, but I came across this article today and it seemed hurtful and insensitive to those of us who are going through infertility issues...

I don't mean to upset anyone who might agree with whats being said in this article... I just thought I'd share since it hit pretty close to home in our house...  

I feel like many people in this world don't understand the pain that infertility can cause... Casual comments are made that can be infinitely more hurtful than anyone could imagine...  Suggestions are offered, trying to be helpful, but in reality they can be heartbreaking...  In many ways I understand that people might be uncomfortable discussing infertility, and I would never want anyone to feel that way... But I hope that someday the topic is more main stream and that solutions might become available for everyone, at reasonable costs...

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Reminders of Why...

As we go through life things can seem to get lost in the whirl-wind that is our day... Sometimes, in the middle of a busy work day this can be a blessing, when a stack of paperwork gets done seemingly quickly, or a line of customers gets taken care of in the blink of an eye.  For me, the last few weeks have flown by but, as crazy as things get I never seem to be able to forget the empty extra room down the hall...  Things seem to get difficult sometimes... but tonight I saw a simple TV commercial that reminded me what we're fighting for... it might sound silly... the marketing department at Subaru of all places could restore my fighting spirit for a little bit longer... I thought I'd share the clip... you might think I'm crazy or... you might like it... either way- here it is...!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Thank You

"A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself..."

     Over the past few weeks I have been truly blown away by the amount of love and support we've received from all over the world.  After so many years struggling with our fertility issues it is easy for me to sometimes get bogged down in the details and facts and to loose sight of our goals.  Throughout all of it I have had an amazing group of women from around the world, supportive parents, and 2 of the best friends I girl could ever ask for, reminding me that it will all be worth it in the end.  Over the last week or so they have truly outdone themselves...  

     My two best friends recently started their own blogs about our journey and have begun a raffle in our honor.  It's only been on for 2 days and already I'm overwhelmed at the amount of support and love I feel from these blogs and their fundraiser. I plan on sending out Thank You notes to all of the contributors, but I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you from the bottom of my heart... I can't believe the kindness we have been showed over the last few days.  Thank you...

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Just an Idea

Today I did something I don't do a whole lot... mostly because I find it a waste of money and emotions... but I had an extra one lying around so... I took a pregnancy test.  It was negative, if it'd been positive you probably would have heard my screams from where ever you are.  The thing I've decided though is that digital tests aren't very friendly... It's just a "pregnant" or "not pregnant".  They should make a test that says, "YAY!!" or "maybe next month".  Somehow looking down at this just isn't reassuring...

Saturday, February 4, 2012

I Will Try Again Tomorrow...

This week has been a whirlwind of emotions and activities for us.  As I sit here now, on a Saturday morning, basking in the elusive Seattle sunshine, I can't help but be thankful that God has gotten me through to this moment.  Monday started off like any other Monday, a little bit of a struggle (an on going issue with an employee) but all in all, OK.  Tuesday, however, was a bit less conventional...

We began Tuesday with the rude sound of an alarm clock an hour earlier than normal so we could beat traffic and get to our first IVF consultation.  In the 45 minutes that it took us to get to the medical office I had chewed off nearly all my fingernails, not a habit I'm particularly proud of... When we got there they had us fill out a mountain of paperwork and then completed a quick health check.  After that we were ushered into an office to wait.   Soon, we were greeted by our doctor, Dr. Davis.  Like I've mentioned in previous posts I've had mixed emotions about our fertility doctors in the past, but Dr. Davis immediately put me at ease.  One of the first things out her mouth was, "let's make you a baby".  She then asked us our story.  She just sat there and listened while Martin and I rattled on and on about our struggle, she was patient with me when I pulled out my binder of test results and vitamin regimens, she handed me a box of tissues when I got the the hard parts.  She was all in all, lovely, and she quickly picked up on my need to know every detail before I proceed.  After listening to what we had to say, she asked a few questions and explained, in detail, how the IVF process works.  She explained what medications I would be taking, how many days each step takes, and how long each procedure takes.  She said because of my age we had the best chances possible, a 75% chance of success with each cycle. (a win I desperately needed)  The most impactful part didn't come until the end though, when she told me that I could have a picture of my embryos before they're implanted.  That's when I fell apart.  It was a reaction I didn't expect from myself, I guess the image of me seeing our own baby, just a few days old, really struck the heart of our struggle.  I want to know my child from the moment they begin.  To imagine being able to see the blessing of our miracle baby just blew me away.  Even now, writing about that moment, makes my stomach flip flop and my heart jump.  After talking with Dr. Davis for  a while, we were introduced to the financial counselor... this is when the hard part of the day began...  It turns out the IVF procedure is about $3000 more than we'd originally been told, in total about $18,000 out of pocket.  We both sat at that desk completely heartbroken and hopeless at that moment.  We could see our sweet baby slipping farther and farther away from us with every figure the financial counselor set in front of us.  After that we were sent to a conference room where a nurse explained, again, what IVF entailed and gave us all our options...  Two and half hours later we left the office and slowly made our way to the car.  The second the car door closed I, again, fell apart.  Even Martin, who almost never lets his colors show when I'm hurting, could only sit there and stroke my hair. 
 After that moment, my day just spiraled out of control from there...Work got crazier and crazier and I found myself just trying to get through each moment without crying or screaming. 

And now, here I am, sitting in the sunshine reassuring myself that God never gives us more than we can handle... sometimes I just wish he didn't trust me so much...